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Forgiveness Rituals

Forgiveness is a "therapeutic" act

"Let's forgive because forgiveness the best thing to do" 

"Forgiveness is not about who is right and who is wrong, it is about doing the right thing. Forgiveness is 'therapeutic'. 

"If you don't forgive you won't find complete well-being. Forgiveness restores Peace to the Soul."


"Forgive others before asking them for forgiveness. When you forgive you are forgiven in return."  Master Choa Kok Sui

Forgiveness leads to better manage conflicts, reconnect with oneself, find inner peace, restore order in our lives and direct our minds towards more positive thoughts.

This method of thinking acts as an internal cleansing, it helps to take distance and let go in the face of difficult situations.

Here you will find two affirmation techniques  on Forgiveness.

You can use these techniques at any time. However, they are particularly effective at certain times, such as when you have to deal with arguments or when bonds of resentment are created. The recitation of these affirmations in consciousness would significantly improve the delicate situation, would calm and channel the bad feelings which are due to a stagnation (when it is old) or a circulation of bad subtle energies of anger and / or hatred inside. and between the energy systems of individuals. 

You will have to recite as many times as necessary. There would come a time when you would think about the forgiven person or the situation and you would feel no more hatred, anger or grief and no trauma. We can call this state, the state of liberation since the link or links to person(s) or situation(s) no longer exist or are replaced by links of Love which could only have you as a return. 'Energy of Love.

Le Pardon & le principe de non-violence "Ahimsa" :

La "Non-Violence" se dit "ahimsa" en sanskrit. Le préfixe signifie "ne pas" et "hims" signifie "blesser ou frapper".

Des figures de l'histoire comme Krishna, Gandhi ou Saint François d'Assise ont parlé du Principe de "Ne pas Blesser" et de la "Non-Violence", un état vertueux de l'esprit qui va à l'encontre de l'intolérance, la haine et la domination, souvent motivés par l'ignorance et la peur.

En nourrissant l'Amour et la Tolérance nous avons plus de facilité à accéder à l'état d'esprit de "Non-Violence". C'est la raison pour laquelle nous procédons au Rituel du Pardon après la Méditation des Cœurs Jumeaux et/ou le Hymne hommage à la terre

dans nos Méditations Collectives. Ces méditations favorisent largement l'activation de l'énergie de l'Amour.

Forgiveness and Karma:

In addition to the points mentioned above, the work of Forgiveness, which can also be done as a guided and group meditation, would erase negative karma and generate positive karma:

Master Choa indicated that forgiveness can give us the capacity to grow, to be free but also to give us the opportunity to generate "positive karma".

If we continue to be related to a person with whom we have been in conflict, it is quite possible  that we criticize him or that  wish him harm or plan to the energy of anger towards her. 

According to the law of karma -laws of cause and effect- if you plant the seeds of anger, hatred, criticism what we get in our future is anger, hatred, criticism which of course we do not wish. This is why forgiveness is the best thing  to do even if it sometimes requires several affirmation sessions.

We are not perfect, we also make mistakes and even with people who have hurt us. They aren't perfect either. So if you seek forgiveness from others, you must first forgive. It is by forgiving that we are forgiven. Forgiving others would generate a lot of "good karma" that's why when forgiveness takes place the negative karma is balanced. 

Affirmation to Forgive Those Who Have Hurt You:

de l'Enseignant, Master Choa Kok Sui

Imagine the person in front of you. Say the name of the person silently and affirm by whispering or aloud the following sentences in conscience:

I salute your soul

I salute the divinity in you

We all make mistakes, we're all on our way

Just like me who made mistakes, you made a mistake

I think at least you made a mistake

I forgive you with the heart (3 times)

I let go of all my feelings of hurt

I let go of all my anger and pain

I let go... you are forgiven

May you be blessed with Peace and Joy

God's blessing be with you, go in peace

I salute your soul

Mentally say and/or visualize that you are no longer connected with the person. 

You can visualize a link that comes undone and disappears "gently"

Affirmation to Forgive Those You May Have Hurt:

de l'Enseignant, Master Choa Kok Sui

If you are not thinking of a particular person, you can ask for forgiveness from anyone you may have hurt without your knowledge and/or indirectly.

Imagine the person in front of you. Say the person's name.

You will tell the people, the people I may have hurt without my knowledge if you do not know. 

Affirm by whispering or aloud the following sentences in conscience:

I salute your soul

I salute the divinity in you

I'm sorry for hurting you (3 times)

I shouldn't behave like this. Can you forgive me please.

You can visualize that the person has forgiven you and is smiling at you, say:

Thanks for forgiving me

May you be blessed with Peace and Joy

with the spirit of forgiveness and good health

God's blessing be with you

I salute your soul

Mentally say and/or visualize that you are no longer connected with the person. 

You can visualize a link that comes undone and disappears "gently"

Ritual of Forgiveness  Ho'oponopono:

Prayer - affirmation Ho'oponopono is an ancestral ritual that allows you to ask for forgiveness, ask for forgiveness but also to reconcile with yourself,


Affirmation for  To forgive and ask for forgiveness:

Imagine the person to forgive or whom you want to ask for forgiveness in front of you. 

Say the person's name silently.

Affirm and express by whispering or if possible out loud the above words in consciousness. 

Tip: if possible, think about each word of the person, allow enough time after each line of the affirmation  for the feelings emanating from their awareness to flow smoothly.


" I am sorry "

" Forgive me "

" Thanks "

" I like you "

Une prière, appelée prière de sérénité, aidant à préparer le "Pardon":

La Prière de la Sérénité est un texte rédigé par le théologien américain Reinhold Niebuhr, au cours des années 1930, et utilisée de façon certaine dans un sermon en 1943. (Nb. Elle est proposé ici pour ces bénéfices)

« Mon Dieu,

donnez-moi la Sérénité d’accepter les choses que je ne puis changer,

le Courage de changer les choses que je peux changer

et la Sagesse d’en connaître la différence,

de vivre un jour à la fois,

d’accepter les épreuves comme le chemin vers la Paix…. »

Séances hebdomadaires de la pratique collective de la Méditation des Cœurs Jumeaux en distanciel

Nous pratiquons le rituel du pardon dans ces séances de méditation sur la plate-forme zoom, en accès libre, ouvert à tous. Tous les jeudis soir à 19h.

(pour vous inscrire à la prochaine date: envoyer un email à )

Séances mensuelles des Méditations Guidées et de la pratique des Chants de Mantras en présentiel

au Centre Culturel Pouya au 48bis Quai de Jemmapes 75010 Paris  (Métro République) 

(pour connaitre la prochaine date: envoyer un email à )

Les Séances Energétiques proposées, en présentiel ou en distanciel

sont à "Visée Non Thérapeutique" et ne s’apparentent à aucune pratique médicale.

Assurance R.C. Médinat


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