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Certified training en 
Pranatherapy Magnetism 
Pranic Healing ©


This certifying training aims to discover and acquire the basic knowledge to practice the Pranatherapy Magnetism method. 


Pranatherapy Magnetism also called Pranic Healing ® was developed by Master Choa Kok Sui. Pranic Healing ® has its roots in ancient Chinese knowledge over 4000 years old, in Traditional Chinese Medicine  (TCM), in Taoism and in Buddhism. According to Master Choa Kok Sui, Pranic Healing would be equivalent to the fifth level of TCM. At the fourth level. the practitioner uses needles to perform his energy treatments. At the fifth level of TCM he uses the strength and power of pure energy to perform his care without touching the person.


I have been teaching this fantastic method of energy healing, simple, effective and easy to learn for 5 years.

A certificate established by the International Center of Pranatherapy (Institute for Interior Studies) validates this training and is given at the end of the session to each learner. 


This training integrates a solid base of knowledge on the energetic anatomy of the human being as well as advanced techniques of practical energy care. 

Theories and practices of exercises in pairs are carried out in a benevolent, friendly and playful atmosphere.


Pranatherapy Magnetism is a method of energy care without touching which meticulously respects the energy hygiene of the practitioner. The practitioner does not use his own vital energy, he preserves his vitality and his dynamism after the energy care given.


Following this training, you will be able to offer tailor-made energy care sessions to others, face-to-face or remotely, and to yourself. 

The program of this training aims to learn to:

- sensitize and activate the energy centers of the hands (the clear feeling) 

- test or feel and appreciate the quality of the aura (the invisible part of the physical body)

- cleanse, energize and stabilize vital energy (Prana)

- absorb and project vital energy (Prana)

- test and appreciate the activity and the conditions of the energy centers (the chakras)

- cut the energy cords

- increase receptivity to projected subtle energies

- practice self-cleaning and self-recharging

- perform remote energy healing

- practice an energy session face-to-face, remotely and on oneself according to the precise stages of Pranatherapy

- meditate and activate the heart centers through the guided, active, self-cleansing and self-energizing meditation called the "Twin Hearts Meditation".

Le programme du stage du niveau 2 ( Prana Avancé Couleurs ):

Cette formation certifiante vient compléter et optimiser toutes les connaissances acquises lors du stage du niveau base. Par ailleurs elle permet d'acquérir la pratique de diverses techniques énergétiques avancées dont la production et l'usage des énergies colorées.

Ce stage vise à apprendre à:


- utiliser les méthodes avancées des Pranas colorés pour des séances énergétiques plus efficaces; usage des bonnes proportions, combinaisons et intensités des couleurs.

- développer des compétences plus avancées pour tester et apprécier la qualité de l'aura, les chakras et leurs déséquilibres​

- pratiquer les techniques avancées du nettoyage général et local,

- pratiquer la techniques avancé pour énergiser

- pratiquer des techniques avancées : comme nettoyage énergétique du sang, renforcement énergétique du système immunitaire,

nettoyage énergétique des organes internes, technique du maitre, 

- pratiquer l'activation et inhibition énergétique des chakras suivant le cas

- appliquer des soins énergétiques par instruction.

- appliquer des soins énergétiques par prière.

Next training sessions in Pranatherapy Magnetism (Pranic Healing ®):  

- Stage de Formation du niveau (1) Prana base, le Samedi 21 septembre & le Dimanche 22 septembre 2024​

-  Horaires: 9h-13h et 14h-18h

-  Lieu:  Paris - Forum 104

-  Inscription & infos: écrire à

- Stage de Formation du niveau (2) Prana avancé, le Samedi 05 octobre & le Dimanche 06 octobre 2024​

-  Horaires: 9h-13h et 14h-18h

-  Lieu:  Paris - Forum 104

-  Inscription & infos: écrire à

- Stage de Formation du niveau (3) Prana psycho, le Samedi 12 octobre 2024​

-  Horaires: 9h-13h et 14h-17h

-  Lieu:  Paris 

-  Inscription & infos: écrire à

- Stage de Formation du niveau (1) Prana base, le Samedi 30 Novembre & le Dimanche 01 décembre 2024

-  Horaires: 9h-13h et 14h-18h

-  Lieu:  Paris 

-  Inscription & infos: écrire à

- Stage de Formation du niveau (1) Prana base, le Samedi 25 Janvier & le Dimanche 26 Janvier 2025

-  Horaires: 9h-13h et 14h-18h

-  Lieu:  Paris 

-  Inscription & infos: écrire à

- Stage de Formation du niveau (2) Prana avancé, le Samedi 08 Février & le Dimanche 09 Février 2025​

-  Horaires: 9h-13h et 14h-18h

-  Lieu:  Paris 

-  Inscription & infos: écrire à

- Stage de Formation du niveau (3) Prana psycho, le Samedi 08 Mars 2025

-  Horaires: 9h-13h et 14h-17h

-  Lieu:  Paris 

-  Inscription & infos: écrire à​​

Teaching modalities:

- Face-to-face teaching 

- experiential learning

- The "practical practice" action is favored as well as the exchange with and between the participants

Registration methods, prices and additional information:

Contact me:

-by email: ""

-by phone: 06 21 19 31 83

Training registration includes:

- An intensive training day with varied practical experiences

- Multiple initiations including the initiation to the Meditation of the Twin Hearts

- A Certificate of Homa Prana  issued at the end of this training

- An educational book to consult at the place of the course (possibility of purchase)

- An audio CD of the Meditation of the Twin Hearts to listen to at the place of the course (possibility of purchase)

- An energetic cleansing spray is offered to you

Here are two videos that present the practice of the method of Pranatherapy Magnetism (Pranic Healing ®) 

Remercîments au Master Stephen Co, l'un des 8 grands enseignants de Pranic Healing & l'organisme PranaWorld

Insurance RC  Medinat


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